When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time you will be aware that God is enough.
[Pastor Al Hughes]
When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time you will be aware that God is enough.
[Pastor Al Hughes]
“Give your life to God; he can do more with it than you can!” —D.L. Moody
God can do MUCH with LITTLE; MORE with LESS, and ALL with NOTHING!
Courtesy of preacher Al Hughes
“All there is of God is available to the person who is available to all there is of God.” —Major Ian Thomas
(courtesy of preacher Al Hughes)
Ephesians 3:20:
God is able
God is able to do
God is able to do exceeding
God is able to do exceeding abundantly
God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask
God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think
Courtesy of preacher Al Hughes
Putting God first in your life makes you God’s responsibility! (Mt. 6:33)
Courtesy of preacher Al Hughes
It is not the job of a Christian to make God’s message acceptable, but to make it available. We are not to see that people like it, but that they get it! (courtesy of preacher Al Hughes)