Custom Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars and Trucks Available

I’ve dabbled in Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars since I received my first Matchbox truck at age 2.  It’s a hobby that’s stuck with me for over 60 years. Continue reading “Custom Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars and Trucks Available”

Tips For Protecting Your Expensive Cell Phone

Most everyone has a cell phone nowadays.  The average price of today’s leading edge phones has blown past $1000.00.  Sure, insurance policies are available (and costly themselves).  But there are several things you can do inexpensively that will help you protect your cell phone from some of the more common issues. Continue reading “Tips For Protecting Your Expensive Cell Phone”

The Only Real Peace

Jesus is the only real peace to be found, even in the midst of the turmoil and pandemic sweeping through the world. (John 14:27)

Do you know Him?

If you don’t, or you’re unsure, click here to learn more.

Volume 11: The Trumpet Chronicles is Now the Saxophone Chronicles

Since this website used to reside at a different address, until the idiots who run my web hosting somehow didn’t notify me of a domain name renewal, I doubt many of you (well, the one or two who’ve visited so far) are familiar with the Trumpet Chronicles.  This was a series of articles I wrote as I wandered my way through the intricacies of trumpet selection and mouthpiece searching.

Continue reading “Volume 11: The Trumpet Chronicles is Now the Saxophone Chronicles”

There Is Therefore Now No Condemnation

To those of us who struggle with guilt due to the past sin we’ve committed, or guilt from not being able to resist fleshly temptations… Continue reading “There Is Therefore Now No Condemnation”

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